“When women in a British study were shown a photo of a man in a luxury car and then another shot of the same guy in an econobox, they thought he looked better in the luxury car. The real benefit, however, may lie in your own perceptions once you climb behind the wheel. Makers of premium autos fold in design and technology features -- sound dampening, smooth acceleration -- that conspire to influence how you see yourself, says Sven Beiker, Ph.D., executive director of the center for automotive research at Stanford University. "It makes you want to fulfill the image," he says. "You may actually feel pressure to live up to the status of your car."
According to Men’s Health magazine, you can upgrade your car to luxury status by factoring the true cost of ownership of a luxury car. Factor depreciation, maintenance, insurance and fuel efficiency in addition to the purchase price. (Men’s health didn’t mention finance rate but, definitely count rate in the true cost of ownership too). Experts agree that Audi and Lexus are among the lowest total cost of ownership . Get major helpful hints here on our blog Understanding Depreciation.
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